Friday, April 08, 2005

I love that movie.

Tonight at work I watched "Office Space", and am verry much saddened that the movie so closely mirrors my own work environment. The only thing is that the depressed workers at least get their own desks, and can bring in personal items to leave on said desks. But despite this it was still pretty spot on. escpecially when 'Peter' says "...Humans weren't meant to sit in cubicles and stare at computer screens all day...", I agree whole heartedly.

Now don't get me wrong here, I do like working. I like it alot. But when I come into work and I can't be sure that I'll ever have a place to sit and work, and if I do, then it's most likely not the place I like to sit at. Aaaaaand, If it is that desk, It will have been sat in by at least 1 other person, and they will have changed ALL of the settings for everything here.

But, I digress...
this is one of the most depressing places to work. I like to help people fix their problems, especially with tech stuff; But here I am not ALLOWED to help them, to the point of absurdity. Fun stuff all around...

I know that you probably don't care about my job, and how much I loathe it, but trust me, I care even less. And, that's the one little glimmer to my job... The fact that I don't care anymore. It's great. I gave up on the whole caring thing, as a new yea's resolution, and it's working out great. Since I'm not allowed to actually help anyone, or make logical common-sense decisions, (under penalty of reprimand, I might add); I just gave up. I now do my job with just enough fervor to not get fired. I'm looking elsewhere, but I'm not exactly giving up on the money until I'm safely elsewhere.

I'm hoping that some of my leads pan out, and I can get out of here, some are looking good. One is one that I really wan't. It's in L.A. but I've worked in the States before and had no problems. I hope it works out. Because I'm not doing the job I was hired for, and promised that I would only be a phone monkey for a MAX of 3 months, before doing I.T., and I just want to do that job. If not here than somewhere else.


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